Thank you for supporting UNM via our 2nd annual giving day,
UNM Big Give
. To make a gift to multiple designations, click "
See All Funds
" and select the areas you'd like to support. If you don't see your fund, scroll to the bottom of the
"See All Funds"
menu and select
"Other Funds"
. For questions, contact us at
or at 505.713.7686.
UNM Big Give 2024
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($5.00 min)
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Total Amount:
Frequency of payments:
Current Date
1st Day Of Month
15th Day Of Month
Twice a year
The remaining payments will be placed between:
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Perpetual Giving
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Frequency of Gift:
Current Date
1st Day Of Month
15th Day Of Month
Twice a year
The next payment will be placed on:
Please notify me prior to my next billing.
Number of days prior to billing that an email notification will be sent.
Email address to notify/remind:
Grand Challenges General Fund (203431)
Patient Care and Assistance Fund (201321)
Student Health & Counseling General Fund (203043)
See All Funds
Selected Designations (
3-Point Club (201096)
Access to Experts Lecture Series
Accessibility Resource Center (202942)
ADVANCE at UNM: Women and Minority STEM Faculty Support (202987)
Advancing Discovery, Creativity & Innovation for UNM Research (202976)
African American Student Services General Fund (202984)
Agora-UNM Crisis Center (201054)
Alumni Lettermen's Memorial Scholarship (610412)
American Indian Student Services (201587)
Anderson Sales Center (203233)
Anderson School Dean's Fund for Excellence (200249)
Anderson Student Success Fund (203387)
Annual Fund for Law - Faculty Support (201854)
Annual Fund for Law - Scholarships (200386)
Annual Fund for Law - Unrestricted (200173)
Anthropology Dissertation Fellowship Fund (610786)
Art Museum General Fund (200018)
Arts & Sciences Excellence in Graduate Studies Fund (203532)
Arts Leadership and Business Program Fund (202643)
Asian-American Pacific Islander Resource Center (AAPIRC) (203489)
ASM Faculty Excellence Fund (200387)
Baseline Club (200877)
Birdie Club (200165)
Busch Cooper Roderick Fund for Teaching Enhancement (203406)
C. Jeffrey Brinker/ CMEM / Unrestricted Research Fund (201583)
Campus Lobo Food Pantry (202602)
Cancer Center General Research Fund (201325)
Cancer Patient Care and Assistance Fund (201321)
Cancer Research and Treatment Center General Fund (200029)
Career Services (200031)
Center Circle Club (201005)
Center For High Tech Materials (200371)
Championship Golf Course Director's Fund (200324)
Chemical Biological Engineering Chair's Fund (202647)
Cibola Medical Foundation Nursing Scholarship (610478)
Circle of Joy (202947)
College Enrichment Program (201217)
College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Fund (200001)
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Fund (201029)
College of Education and Human Sciences Clinics and Labs Fund (203603)
College of Education and Human Sciences Native American Scholarship (203593)
College of Fine Arts Dean's Fund (200056)
College of Nursing Scholarship Fund (200921)
College of Pharmacy Dean's Vision Endowment Fund (610632)
College of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund (200434)
College of Population Health Dean's Fund (202891)
College of Population Health Student Scholarship Fund (203283)
Communities to Careers (203517)
Community Engagement Center (203551)
Computer Science Department Excellence Fund (200950)
Confluence Program Fund (203613)
Daily Lobo Alumni Fund (201883)
Davis – Kozoll Endowed Professorship for Prevention Research and Practice (610756
Design and Planning Assistance Center (605660)
Dine with the Dean (203558)
Dr. Nathaniel Wollman Endowed Fund (610574)
Dugout Club (200926)
El Centro de la Raza (202117)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (200051)
Erik Shea Olbin Memorial Presidential Scholarship Graduate Award Fund (203625)
Feeding Hope at UNM Children's Hospital (203354)
Finish Line Club (200169)
Football First Team (201212)
Frontier/Golden Pride Endowment for Regional and Indigenous Design and Planning (610122)
Gallup Branch Unrestricted Fund (200060)
George Pearl Hall Green Roof Fund (202032)
Gerald May Civil Engineering Department Excellence Fund (200163)
Global Education (202082)
Global Education Office Emergency Fund (202571)
Grand Challenges General Fund (203431)
Grand Slam Club (200167)
H2O Lobos (200385)
Harwood Museum of Art Director's Fund (202272)
Herb Denish Memorial Scholarship (610739)
Hodgin Hall Renovations
Honors College Student Fund (203533)
Honors College Study Abroad Programs (202560)
HSLIC Executive Director's Fund for Excellence (201964)
HSLIC Healing Garden (203456)
HSLIC New Mexico Health Historical Collection (202335)
Innovation Academy (202683)
Jackie Schlegel Memorial Honors Endowment for Scribendi Spending Account (809140)
Joanne O'C Reilly Keeping Kids Safe at UNMCH (203597)
KUNM-FM Fund (200865)
La Tierra Sagrada Society (201241)
LAII Cultural and Outreach Fund (202100)
LAII Student Field Research Grant Fund (203363)
Latin American & Iberian Institute General Fund (203220)
Latin American Studies Scholarship Fund (203184)
Leroy and Dora Ortiz Bilingual Teacher Education Scholarship (607330)
LGBTQ Resource Center Support Fund (202317)
Lobo Aces (200168)
Lobo Club Scholarship Fund Restricted (201320)
Lobo Club Unrestricted Fund (200862)
Lobo Excellence Fund Reported Gifts (R10640)
Lobo Institute for Excellence (LIFE) (203466)
Los Alamos Branch Campus Fund (200084)
Main Campus Student Emergency Relief Fund (203287)
Manzanita Counseling Center (202924)
Martha Cole McGrew Faculty Award for Commitment to Education and Diversity in Medicine (203455)
Mechanical Engineering Chair's Fund (200904)
Men's Basketball 6th Man (201296)
Men's Golf Top 100 Club (200475)
Mentoring Institute (203557)
Muhammad Afzaal Hussain Scholarship (610705)
New Mexico Mutual Performance and Fitness Center Fund (202779)
New Mexico PBS General Fund (200078)
New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center (200291)
Nursing Legacy Fund (200314)
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion General Fund (203209)
Organization, Information and Learning Sciences (OILS) General Fund (200264)
Other Funds (999011)
Patricia V. Bradley Native American Health Research Award (610740)
Pearl Hall Building Quasi-Endowment (624130)
Point! Lobos (200170)
Popejoy Hall Excellence Fund (610358)
Popejoy Hall Schooltime Series (203119)
Pre-Health Professions Development Fund (203195)
Presidential Scholarship Program - Full Sponsorship (207001)
Presidential Scholarship Program - Share-a-Scholar (207005)
President's Fund (202288)
Prism Fund for Physician Wellbeing (203446)
Project ECHO Fund (201959)
Project: Recruit, Retain, Graduate (203434)
Richard Karmel Endowed Scholarship in Jazz Studies (610755)
ROTC Excellence Fund (203338)
School of Architecture and Planning Dean's Fund for Excellence (200016)
School of Engineering Fund for Academic Excellence (200054)
School of Medicine Alumni Scholarships and Award Fund (878110)
School of Medicine Dean's Excellence Fund (200214)
STEM Education Initiatives (203542)
Student Activities Center Events/Programs (203336)
Student Health & Counseling General Fund (203043)
Student Memorial Fund (203556)
Student Publications (203554)
Student Union Building (203555)
Taos Branch Campus Fund/Friends of UNM Taos (201173)
University College Dean's Fund (200554)
University Libraries Dean's Fund (200083)
UNM Art Museum Education Fund (202539)
UNM Art Museum Student Opportunities Fund (203604)
UNM Basic Needs Fund (203565)
UNM Children's Campus for Early Care and Education (200034)
UNM Children's Hospital Facility Dog Fund (203605)
UNM Children's Hospital Radiothon Fund (202949)
UNM Children's Psychiatric Center Fund (201686)
UNM CON DNP Distinction Award (610557)
UNM Gallup General Scholarship Fund (202845)
UNM Hospital Medical Equipment Innovation Fund (203461)
UNM Hospitals Native American Health Services (202298)
UNM Press General Endowment (608490)
UNM Recreational Services (203454)
UNM Retirees Association Annual Presidential Scholarship Fund (203626)
UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center (SRMC) Greatest Needs Fund (202493)
UNM Spirit Groups (201093)
UNM SRMC (Sandoval Regional Medical Center) Arts-In-Medicine (203509)
UNM SRMC (Sandoval Regional Medical Center) Nursing Education (202955)
UNM SRMC (Sandoval Regional Medical Center) Volunteer Services (203157)
UNM SRMC Provider Staff and Wellness (203589)
UNM Valencia Campus Annual Fund (201382)
UNM Valencia Challenge Fund (610466)
UNM-Gallup Jonathan Suarez Memorial Scholarship (203339)
UNMH Caring for the Caregiver (203475)
UNMH Psychiatric Center Patient Care Fund (203462)
Veterans Services Fund/Veterans Resource Center (202483)
Women's Resource Center Fund (203214)
Women's Sports Fund-Howl for Her (203512)
Select your designation(s)
Use the checkbox to select multiple designations. If you don't see your fund, scroll to the bottom of the "See All Funds" menu and select "Other Funds".
Academic Units
Anderson Sales Center (203233)
Anderson School Dean's Fund for Excellence (200249)
Anderson Student Success Fund (203387)
Annual Fund for Law - Faculty Support (201854)
Annual Fund for Law - Scholarships (200386)
Annual Fund for Law - Unrestricted (200173)
Anthropology Dissertation Fellowship Fund (610786)
Arts & Sciences Excellence in Graduate Studies Fund (203532)
Arts Leadership and Business Program Fund (202643)
ASM Faculty Excellence Fund (200387)
Busch Cooper Roderick Fund for Teaching Enhancement (203406)
Chemical Biological Engineering Chair's Fund (202647)
Circle of Joy (202947)
College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Fund (200001)
College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Fund (201029)
College of Education and Human Sciences Clinics and Labs Fund (203603)
College of Education and Human Sciences Native American Scholarship (203593)
College of Fine Arts Dean's Fund (200056)
College of Nursing Scholarship Fund (200921)
College of Pharmacy Dean's Vision Endowment Fund (610632)
College of Pharmacy Scholarship Fund (200434)
College of Population Health Dean's Fund (202891)
College of Population Health Student Scholarship Fund (203283)
Computer Science Department Excellence Fund (200950)
Confluence Program Fund (203613)
Davis – Kozoll Endowed Professorship for Prevention Research and Practice (610756
Design and Planning Assistance Center (605660)
Dr. Nathaniel Wollman Endowed Fund (610574)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (200051)
Frontier/Golden Pride Endowment for Regional and Indigenous Design and Planning (610122)
George Pearl Hall Green Roof Fund (202032)
Gerald May Civil Engineering Department Excellence Fund (200163)
Herb Denish Memorial Scholarship (610739)
Honors College Student Fund (203533)
Honors College Study Abroad Programs (202560)
HSLIC Executive Director's Fund for Excellence (201964)
HSLIC New Mexico Health Historical Collection (202335)
Innovation Academy (202683)
Jackie Schlegel Memorial Honors Endowment for Scribendi Spending Account (809140)
La Tierra Sagrada Society (201241)
Leroy and Dora Ortiz Bilingual Teacher Education Scholarship (607330)
Martha Cole McGrew Faculty Award for Commitment to Education and Diversity in Medicine (203455)
Mechanical Engineering Chair's Fund (200904)
New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center (200291)
Nursing Legacy Fund (200314)
Patricia V. Bradley Native American Health Research Award (610740)
Pearl Hall Building Quasi-Endowment (624130)
Pre-Health Professions Development Fund (203195)
Prism Fund for Physician Wellbeing (203446)
Project: Recruit, Retain, Graduate (203434)
Richard Karmel Endowed Scholarship in Jazz Studies (610755)
School of Architecture and Planning Dean's Fund for Excellence (200016)
School of Engineering Fund for Academic Excellence (200054)
School of Medicine Alumni Scholarships and Award Fund (878110)
School of Medicine Dean's Excellence Fund (200214)
STEM Education Initiatives (203542)
University College Dean's Fund (200554)
UNM Art Museum Student Opportunities Fund (203604)
UNM CON DNP Distinction Award (610557)
UNM Hospitals
C. Jeffrey Brinker/ CMEM / Unrestricted Research Fund (201583)
Cancer Center General Research Fund (201325)
Cancer Patient Care and Assistance Fund (201321)
Cancer Research and Treatment Center General Fund (200029)
Communities to Careers (203517)
Feeding Hope at UNM Children's Hospital (203354)
Joanne O'C Reilly Keeping Kids Safe at UNMCH (203597)
Project ECHO Fund (201959)
UNM Children's Hospital Facility Dog Fund (203605)
UNM Children's Hospital Radiothon Fund (202949)
UNM Children's Psychiatric Center Fund (201686)
UNM Hospital Medical Equipment Innovation Fund (203461)
UNM Hospitals Native American Health Services (202298)
UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center (SRMC) Greatest Needs Fund (202493)
UNM SRMC (Sandoval Regional Medical Center) Arts-In-Medicine (203509)
UNM SRMC (Sandoval Regional Medical Center) Nursing Education (202955)
UNM SRMC (Sandoval Regional Medical Center) Volunteer Services (203157)
UNM SRMC Provider Staff and Wellness (203589)
UNMH Caring for the Caregiver (203475)
UNMH Psychiatric Center Patient Care Fund (203462)
UNM Branch Campus
Cibola Medical Foundation Nursing Scholarship (610478)
Gallup Branch Unrestricted Fund (200060)
Los Alamos Branch Campus Fund (200084)
Taos Branch Campus Fund/Friends of UNM Taos (201173)
UNM Gallup General Scholarship Fund (202845)
UNM Valencia Campus Annual Fund (201382)
UNM Valencia Challenge Fund (610466)
UNM-Gallup Jonathan Suarez Memorial Scholarship (203339)
Student Programming
ADVANCE at UNM: Women and Minority STEM Faculty Support (202987)
Advancing Discovery, Creativity & Innovation for UNM Research (202976)
Campus Lobo Food Pantry (202602)
Community Engagement Center (203551)
Dine with the Dean (203558)
Erik Shea Olbin Memorial Presidential Scholarship Graduate Award Fund (203625)
Global Education (202082)
Global Education Office Emergency Fund (202571)
Grand Challenges General Fund (203431)
Main Campus Student Emergency Relief Fund (203287)
Manzanita Counseling Center (202924)
Mentoring Institute (203557)
New Mexico Mutual Performance and Fitness Center Fund (202779)
Presidential Scholarship Program - Full Sponsorship (207001)
Presidential Scholarship Program - Share-a-Scholar (207005)
ROTC Excellence Fund (203338)
Student Memorial Fund (203556)
Student Publications (203554)
Student Union Building (203555)
UNM Retirees Association Annual Presidential Scholarship Fund (203626)
Veterans Services Fund/Veterans Resource Center (202483)
Student Affairs & Activities
Accessibility Resource Center (202942)
African American Student Services General Fund (202984)
American Indian Student Services (201587)
Asian-American Pacific Islander Resource Center (AAPIRC) (203489)
Campus Lobo Food Pantry (202602)
Career Services (200031)
College Enrichment Program (201217)
Daily Lobo Alumni Fund (201883)
El Centro de la Raza (202117)
Student Activities Center Events/Programs (203336)
Student Health & Counseling General Fund (203043)
UNM Children's Campus for Early Care and Education (200034)
UNM Recreational Services (203454)
Women's Resource Center Fund (203214)
UNM Athletics - Lobos Give Day
3-Point Club (201096)
Alumni Lettermen's Memorial Scholarship (610412)
Baseline Club (200877)
Birdie Club (200165)
Center Circle Club (201005)
Dugout Club (200926)
Finish Line Club (200169)
Football First Team (201212)
Grand Slam Club (200167)
H2O Lobos (200385)
Lobo Aces (200168)
Lobo Club Scholarship Fund Restricted (201320)
Lobo Club Unrestricted Fund (200862)
Lobo Excellence Fund Reported Gifts (R10640)
Lobo Institute for Excellence (LIFE) (203466)
Men's Basketball 6th Man (201296)
Men's Golf Top 100 Club (200475)
Point! Lobos (200170)
UNM Spirit Groups (201093)
Women's Sports Fund-Howl for Her (203512)
DEI Initiatives
LGBTQ Resource Center Support Fund (202317)
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion General Fund (203209)
University Community Initiatives
Agora-UNM Crisis Center (201054)
Art Museum General Fund (200018)
Center For High Tech Materials (200371)
Championship Golf Course Director's Fund (200324)
Harwood Museum of Art Director's Fund (202272)
KUNM-FM Fund (200865)
LAII Cultural and Outreach Fund (202100)
LAII Student Field Research Grant Fund (203363)
Latin American & Iberian Institute General Fund (203220)
Latin American Studies Scholarship Fund (203184)
Muhammad Afzaal Hussain Scholarship (610705)
New Mexico PBS General Fund (200078)
Popejoy Hall Excellence Fund (610358)
Popejoy Hall Schooltime Series (203119)
Presidential Scholarship Program - Full Sponsorship (207001)
President's Fund (202288)
UNM Art Museum Education Fund (202539)
UNM Basic Needs Fund (203565)
HSLIC Executive Director's Fund for Excellence (201964)
HSLIC Healing Garden (203456)
Organization, Information and Learning Sciences (OILS) General Fund (200264)
University Libraries Dean's Fund (200083)
UNM Press General Endowment (608490)
UNM Alumni Relations
Access to Experts Lecture Series
Hodgin Hall Renovations
Didn't see your fund? Please select "other" and leave a comment with your fund.
Other Funds (999011)
No matches were found.
About You
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Armed Forces - AA
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British Columbia
Dist. Of Columbia
New Brunswick
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New Jersey
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Newfoundland and Labrador
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North Dakota
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
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Rhode Island
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South Dakota
West Virginia
Not Available
This is my FIRST GIFT to UNM!
I've given before but not recently
I give regularly
I was influenced by a champion:
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3 Point Club Women's Basketball
6th Man Lobo Basketball
Adam Garcia
Ad-In Club Women's Tennis
Alejandro Mendiaz-rivera
Alexia Triantafillou
Alondra Granados-Diaz
Alyssa Reed
Analisa Chavez
Angel Lancaster
Anna Clark
Annette Hazen
Anthony Camp
Anthony Esposito
Arlene Espinoza-armijo
Ashley Salazar
Baseline Club Men's Tennis
Beth Lebel
Birdie Club Women's Golf
Brad Preber
Bre Schroth
Casey Addis
Casey Macdonald
Cassidy Christy
Center Circle Club Soccer
Chris Alestra
Christiana Romero
Christine Mclaughlin
Collin Tate
Courtney Bartolich
Daniela Sanchez
Dante Mileta
Darian Zachek
Dave William
David Campbell
David Williams
Dee Dennis III
Denise Codding
Devin Duran
Devin Geraci
Diahndra Grill
Drea Kendall
Dugout Club
Eddie Nunez
Elise Anaya
Elizabeth Cochran
Elizabeth Garchar
Elizabeth Kahane
Eryn Samuels
Ethan Rule
Evan Condon
Everyone's a Lobo UNM Spirit
Felicia Finston
Finish Line Club XC & Track and Field
First Team Lobo Football
Frank Sedillo
Gabriella Montoya
Gayle Osburn
Glenna Voigt
Grand Slam Club Softball
Grant Condon
Gretchen Doyle
H2O Lobos Swim & Dive
Hanna Hudson
Jack Thompson
Jacob Reed
Jalen Dominguez
James Aragon
Janell Valdez
Janelle Villanueva
Janice Kowemy
Jed Webb
Jeff Todd
Jennifer Mason
Jennifer Trujillo
Jessica Santiago
Jessie Truitt
Jillian Frye
John Snyder
Jt Mitchell
Judy Wolfel
Julia Church Hoffman
Julie DeDonato
Julie Jones
Kara Dana
Kara Kinney
Karen Williams
Kate Jorgensen
Keith Greer
Kim Allen
Kim Kloeppel
Kim Madrid
Kimberly Delker
Kristine Mazzei
Kristine Purrington
Kyra Mohns
Lauren Carlsen
Lauren Condon
Leslie Currie
Lisa Ellis
Lisette Miles
Lobo Club
Lydia Thomas
Lynn Ueanimatang
Madison Baumann
Maggie Schold
Maggie Sumruld
Marilyn Omaya
Mario Lara
Markella Pavlakos
Mary Gutierrez
Mary Lou Fritts
Matt Risdon
Max Lambert
Meagan Lancaster
Melissa Garcia
Melody Wells
Micah Gray
Michelle Verity
Mindy Gonzales
Monica Peck
Mosudi Ademola
Natalie Barka
Natalie Orona
Naya Higashijima
New Mexico Athletics
Nicole Reeves
Paige Klostermann
Patricia Lujan
Patrick Allen
Peyton Stephens
Phoebe Campbell
Point! Lobos Volleyball
Raymond Armijo
Rebecca Pino
Robert Moreno
Ron Barbera
Sam Saunders
Sarah Carsrud
Sarah Head
Scott Darnell
Shelly Smith
Sonam Phuntsok
Sophie Hannabas
Stewart Copeland
Summer Tujague
Tammy Medina
Terry Mulert
Thomas Rodriguez
Top 100 Men's Golf
Traci Brooks
Trish Idarola
Unm Sports Properties
Vanessa Dargain
Veronica Griego
Yue Lin polly Chen
Zachary Frank
Zahira Manzoor
Zoey Brooks
Primary UNM Affiliation:
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Faculty & Staff
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