Thank you for supporting Lobos Give Day via our 2nd annual giving day in conjunction with UNM Big Give. To make a gift to multiple designations, click "See All Funds" and select the areas you'd like to support. For questions, contact us at or at 505.713.7686.
Lobos Give Day 2025

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$ .00
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Center Circle Club (201005)
Total: $0.00 0%

About You

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My Employer Will Match My Gift

Over 23,000 employers offer matching gifts. Yours could be one of them.


Please email ( or send your company's matching gift form to:

The University of New Mexico Foundation, Inc.
Two Woodward Center
700 Lomas Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102-2568

Additional Comments
Please provide any additional details needed for your gift. (250 character limit)

Champion Value:


The University of New Mexico Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to solicit, receive, and manage private voluntary support for the benefit of The University of New Mexico.